We’re a small but active Catholic Community working together to serve our Lord under the protection of our Patron, St. Joseph. The oldest Catholic church still active in Chenango County, we were founded in 1848 among the rolling hills of the Chenango River Valley of upstate New York.
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Rev. Paul Machira
Corner of State and Scott St.
P.O. Box 352 – Oxford, NY 13830

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:45 PM,
Sunday Mass is at 8:30 AM.

Parish Office Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Tuesday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Thank you for your support!
We are grateful to so many of you who are helping to continue to pay our bills. Thank you for your generous support of our parish.
Prayer Chain
If you have a prayer request for St. Joseph's Prayer Chain, please call
Julie Winner at
607-226-3080 or email her at jwinner314@gmail.com. Thank you.

Parish Contacts...

Parish Secretary:
Gwen Hornbeck 607-226-0431

Welcoming Committee:

Julie Winner 607-226-3080, email:

Parish Administrator/Coordinator:
John Franco 607-843-9643

Marian Godfrey 607-843-9300

Richard Marks 607-244-1617

Faith Formation:
Gwen Hornbeck 607-226-0431

Director of RCIA/0CIA

Kathy Anderson 607-316-1717

Cemetery Coordinator:
Contact Office 607-843-7021

Music Ministry:
Kathy Anderson 607-316-1717

Funeral Coordinator:
Marian Godfrey 607-843-9300

Resources & Links:
